Happy October! It’s officially spooky season, and today I’m sharing something a bit scary. But, we promise you’re going to love it (once it’s over). If you’re looking for a way to spark your personal growth journey, try this tip below. I want you to email three people whose opinions you trust and value, and […]
Do you ever feel like you need a day to catch up on life, and then a day after that to just relax with a book in bed? Last week I spent 3 of my 5 weekday nights at my kids’ school events. WHEW. What I appreciated though, was that I got to meet their […]
Last week I led The Manifesting Catapult, a live, 5-day program where we did one activity per day to support creating your best life. Today I want to share one of those activities with you—called As If Journaling. “As If” Journaling The activity is called “As If” Journaling. No, not talking about Alicia Silverstone à la Clueless, […]
It’s BBQ Season! Serious question…what’s the best BBQ food? Burger, hot dog, or something else? Well, no matter what’s on your plate, I’ve got a simple mindfulness practice that takes just 60-seconds. 1-minute Mindful Eating Now…let’s get BBQing! P.S. Last week I shared a resource to swap windows for a mental health boost. Check it out […]
Today is the day I’m fulfilling a dream I’ve had for years: registration for my Switzerland retreat is now open!
Need some help with awkward or challenging interactions this holiday season? Read (or look!) through these helpful visuals.
Have you ever received not-so-glowing feedback? Here’s my advice for your advice.
Have you been waiting for permission to put your wellbeing first? Well here you go. Permission granted.
I tried a simple, 30-day anxiety experiment to reduce my anxiety and create better mental health. It worked.
When I saw this tow truck pulling a fire truck a couple of weeks ago, the first thought that popped into my mind was, “Even rescuers need rescuing.” Who are you a “rescuer” for? You might be a caregiver to kids, your parents or in-laws, your work team, or even in a caregiving profession, like […]