Nicole Bensen


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Job, career or calling – what’s the difference? Learn more inside as we dive into Week 8 of our 10 Life Pillars: Occupational.

What does the term “financial freedom” mean to you? Let’s break the silence and dive into the Financial side of the 10 Life Pillars!

Our goal isn’t to be happy all the time. What does that mean? Read on to explore the Mental Wellbeing aspect of the 10 Life Pillars.

For Week 4 of this series, we look at the Relational portion of the 10 Life Pillars. Let’s take a deeper look!

On Week 3 of the 12-week series “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark”, we explore the Environmental side of the 10 Life Pillars. Dig in!

On Week 2 of the 12-week series “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark”, we dive into the Intellectual section of the 10 Life Pillars.

Did you start your career excited and bright-eyed, but now find yourself lost? Let’s reclaim your dreams – together.

Finding wellbeing can mean getting comfortable with something new. Want to join this online class with me to find wellbeing through poetry?

This year I’m inviting more corporate clients to book interactive workshops for their team. Are you ready to take your team to the next level?


Hi friend! Last week, one of my private coaching clients wanted help sorting through some stressful thoughts and feelings. I grabbed my STAR sheet and walked through the questions with her. Afterward, she said, “I feel so much calmer and better, thank you!” The acronym STAR stands for Study/scrutinize, Test And Restructure, and it helps […]