Nicole Bensen

Week 12: Reclaim and Reignite

Wow, check out this DM I got on Instagram!

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: “I wanted to let you know your vision board workshop really works. I bought a new house this weekend…having a home, mountain view and garden were all on it. And now it’s coming true…and I have 360 mountain views including Mt. Si.

This is from “J” who joined my vision board workshop earlier this year, and just 4 months later sent me that note. So excited for her!

Ready to make your dreams come true too?

This week we’re upgrading your 10 Life Pillars and “as if” journaling and transforming your words into images with one of my most favorite things in the world: vision boards.

I shared this free Canva template at the beginning of the year, but you don’t have to wait for January 1st to roll around to dream big, friend.

(In fact, check out this notebook I just bought that ingeniously fills a marketing gap I didn’t realize existed. It’s a planner for “August 2024–December 2025.” 1) It had literally no competition on the shelf from other planners mid-year, and 2) It grabbed people 5 months before they were thinking of getting a 2025 planner. I don’t even USE a paper planner [I live and die by my Google calendar.], yet when I saw it, I thought, ‘Oh, maybe having this planner will make me more productive.’ And I instantly started thinking about starting my day filling out this planner.)

Anyway, back to mid-year vision boards…

Most people think of a vision board as one big amalgamation of all their life dreams, but often the people in my workshops focus on creating a vision board for just ONE of their life pillars—like a board about dream vacations, career aspirations, a life partner, or their dream home.

So, what’s speaking to you today? An overall board capturing the life you journaled about last week? Or one about a specific area of your life?

Whatever you choose, this Canva drag and drop template makes creating your board easy-peasy.

I would LOVE to see your vision boards, so please reply with a photo, or just tell me what’s on yours. If you share it on social, please tag me!

LinkedIn: @nicolebensen
Instagram: @tentaclesandtea

Cheering for your BEST life,

BTW, officially, I promised 12 weeks for my “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark” series, but I have one more idea I’m excited to share, so next week we’ll wrap up with a baker’s dozen. In case you missed it, this series was designed to put YOU back in control of defining success and the dreams you want in just ~10 minutes a week. You can find the 10 pillars on the blog—search for “Reclaim Your Dreams.”



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