Nicole Bensen


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Last week I was in Paris! What a splendid way to start a blog post. Sigh. Weeks ago I put out a call on Instagram saying I had flight credit I needed to use by the end of the year, and asked if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere in the world, or had suggestions […]

We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing also helps us on our quest for productivity and success.

As I write this, I’m sitting in the gorgeous lounge of the Solage Spa in Calistoga on Monday morning. (How serene is this spot?!) I’m practicing some self-care and participating in a yoga/spa day. In about an hour I’ll be doing a 90-minute yoga class, followed by a hot tub break and lunch, and then […]

Last weekend my husband, three kids, and I had a little staycation in Half Moon Bay to celebrate my birthday. It was filled with beach walks and lots of food. We had the 2-hour brunch experience at Navio at the Ritz Carlton; let me know if you want to see some of the dishes. Isn’t […]

Today is the day I’m fulfilling a dream I’ve had for years: registration for my Switzerland retreat is now open!

Dreaming of wellbeing? It’s take to wake up; my luxe women’s wellbeing retreat is here (and it tastes like cheese and chocolate)!

Tell me something you don’t know, right? Read on to learn more about how being in an unfamiliar place can boost our creativity and happiness.

Traveling for workshops has provided time for reading, listening and watching. Here are a few of my favorites.

Building an authentic brand doesn’t have to be fancy – it just has to be YOU. Check out this first-class lesson on branding!