Nicole Bensen

A weekend in Paris

Last week I was in Paris! What a splendid way to start a blog post. Sigh.

Weeks ago I put out a call on Instagram saying I had flight credit I needed to use by the end of the year, and asked if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere in the world, or had suggestions of where to go.

A friend responded saying she had a work trip coming up, and long story short, we spent the weekend together in Paris.

My younger self would be swooning right now. “We spent the weekend in Paris.” How lucky am I?!

Paris Recap

We ate macarons, walked around non-touristy neighborhoods, sampled croissants, and I did some shopping. If you peeped my Instagram stories you saw that I had to buy not one, but two pieces of luggage to get everything home.

I also journaled in the most epically-Parisian spot—in front of the Eiffel Tower.

I wrote about how grateful I was to be there and I spent time thinking about what other amazing things I wanted to call into my life.

Reflecting on 2023

As we close out 2023 I can’t help but think about the plans I had for the year—what went well and what I’m still working toward.

Do you do this too?

The Eiffel Tower was on my 2023 vision board, and I’m feeling so grateful I got to see it again this year.

I have so much more I can say about this trip, but I’m home with a sick kiddo, so today’s note is a quick one. Let me know if you want to hear more! I started with two nights in London before Paris and got to see some gorgeous Christmas decor.

Christmas in Europe is extra-magical. Have you been?

Wishing you epic spots to journal! 

BTW, want to grab a manifesting journal of your own? Get it here.



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