Nicole Bensen

Travel Tool for Jetlag

Hello from past me! I got up at 4am because my schedule from the Timeshifter app told me to. I’m supposed to get exposure to bright light and drink caffeine, so I’m looking at my computer screen (because it’s black outside) and drinking an iced coffee. I’m writing this post now (Nov 28th) because next Tuesday at my normal “Tea Time” time, I’ll be on a flight.

How great are these tools? One tool helps me (hopefully) avoid (most) jet lag, and my email lets me schedule this note to get to you on time.

We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing and mental health also helps us on our quest for productivity and success. 

My hope is that my weekly Tea Time notes give you quick wins and a reminder to not let yourself fall to the bottom of your list.

Helpful Tools I’ve Shared Recently:

Now, off to grab another cup of coffee. See you next week!



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