Nicole Bensen

Switzerland Retreat: Now Open!

Today is the day I’m fulfilling a dream I’ve had for years, and I’m pinching myself that it’s finally here. Registration for my Switzerland retreat is open!

Backstory: I used to manage the wellbeing retreat for women executives at Google; then I left Google to launch my own mental health company to support more people.

my last day at google was friday, march 13, 2020. 

Yep. You read that date right.

Day 1 of being an entrepreneur for global wellbeing retreats turned out to be day 1 of “shelter-in-place” here in Silicon Valley.

So, my dreams of teaching happiness and wellbeing tools in gorgeous locations around the world went on pause due to the pandemic, and for the past three years I’ve mostly been leading workshops from home. I’m grateful that travel started picking up last year, so I got to lead team workshops and offsites in New York, San Francisco, Southern California, Colorado, and Switzerland. 

And now it’s YOUR TURN for an epic getaway.

Cue happy dancing. (I have no rhythm, so you don’t want to see my happy dance, but it’s the thought that counts, right?)

I can’t wait to welcome you to Switzerland with a glass of champagne (or drink of choice!).

Popping champagne.

What you can expect from joining the

intentional indulgence retreat in switzerland:

Workshops that:

  • Teach you how to get ahead of burnout
  • Improve your self-promotion skills to increase your confidence and career opportunities
  • Build your resilience and help you overcome Imposter Syndrome

An expanded network of women who:

  • Understand the pressures and struggles you face (because: same) and what it’s like to be the “only” in the room
  • Can increase your personal and professional opportunities
  • Just might become your biggest allies

Activities that:

  • Make it impossible to NOT feel awe (#instagrammable)
  • Are designed for you to rest AND recharge (These are not the same!)
  • Help you rediscover what lights you up

Oh, and you can also expect to eat delicious food, sleep in luxury accommodations, and visit not one, but two spas.

Can we talk about the view from this tub? (We’ll be staying here the final night of the retreat!)

Tub facing Switzerland mountains

Who is this for?

  • Ambitious women who are looking to rest, reconnect, and recharge
  • Women who are ready to reflect, journal, and share—practicing simple, yet powerful, life tools for things like overwhelm, resilience, and self-kindness
  • Women who are excited by luxury touches and Instagram-worthy moments
  • Women who are looking to expand their network of kind, supportive, professional women

Who is this NOT a fit for?

  • People who are looking for a slow-paced retreat with sunrise yoga, green juice, lots of free time, and hours-long meditations
  • People who want to have strenuous, hiking adventures in the Swiss Alps
  • People who want to attend workshops as the key focus of the retreat (we’ll typically spend 1–2 hours a day on workshops and the rest of the time outside the hotel)

In case you missed last week’s note, here are two photos of one of the spas we’ll be visiting:

Pool overlooking Switzerland.
Pool overlooking Switzerland.

The first 5 women who sign up will get $1000 off, so if you’re considering joining this epic getaway, be sure to fill out the interest form ASAP.

Which one of the spots above are you most excited to check out? Can’t wait to hang out with you in Switzerland!

Resort photos courtesy of Burgenstock Resort.



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