Nicole Bensen

Time of Reflection

Last weekend my husband, three kids, and I had a little staycation in Half Moon Bay to celebrate my birthday. It was filled with beach walks and lots of food. We had the 2-hour brunch experience at Navio at the Ritz Carlton; let me know if you want to see some of the dishes.

Isn’t this a gorgeous view?

View of Half Moon Bay

Birthdays are a time for reflection for me, and I’ve been thinking about the top 5 regrets of the dying (complied by author and palliative caregiver, Bronnie Ware).

The number one regret is:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Can you relate to this?

As I get older, I get more and more comfortable being true to myself. 

What I’m working on now is surrounding myself with people who are also looking to grow and become better versions of themselves. This is in part why I left my corporate job and created Tentacles and Tea, and in particular, my retreats. 

I have a huge desire to share the wellbeing, happiness, and mental health tools I’ve learned, and to hold space for others to remember and find their own desires, strengths, and courage. And when I’m in the presence of high-achieving women, I love that I’m always learning too!

If you want to leap into becoming a happier, more relaxed, connected leader and stronger version of yourself, please check out my “Intentional Indulgence Retreat” in Switzerland. I would be thrilled to have you and know you’ll find the experience life-changing.

Can’t make it to Switzerland and want support on discovering, or re-discovering what lights you up today? Here are some resources:

Know someone who would benefit from these too? Please share, so we can support more people together.



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