On Week 2 of the 12-week series “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark”, we dive into the Intellectual section of the 10 Life Pillars.
Did you start your career excited and bright-eyed, but now find yourself lost? Let’s reclaim your dreams – together.
I LOVE imagining my best possible future. (Read my blog post about it here.) My husband, on the other hand, hates it. If I want to see him roll his eyes and cross his arms fast, I’d ask him, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 😆 He doesn’t like how nebulous that thought is; […]
Have you heard of a “Favorite Things Party”? This gift-exchange party is a fun way to learn about your friends and family. Read more!
Last week I was in Paris! What a splendid way to start a blog post. Sigh. Weeks ago I put out a call on Instagram saying I had flight credit I needed to use by the end of the year, and asked if anyone wanted to meet up somewhere in the world, or had suggestions […]
Happy November, friend! This time of year often brings MORE to our plates. Any of these resonate? But what if I could wave a magic wand and take something off your plate? What would you choose? What if you didn’t need the magic wand but could actually delegate or just skip it entirely? Is there […]
Happy Halloween! *Important questions: I know you. You have big dreams. You’re not here to stay small. But sometimes your life feels overwhelming with all the stuff that has to happen, like keeping your team motivated, figuring out dinner, organizing the holiday cards…like who has time to “invest in your happiness,” right? What if you […]
Last week I led The Manifesting Catapult, a live, 5-day program where we did one activity per day to support creating your best life. Today I want to share one of those activities with you—called As If Journaling. “As If” Journaling The activity is called “As If” Journaling. No, not talking about Alicia Silverstone à la Clueless, […]
My kids started school last week, and Starbucks released all the pumpkin spice goodies—summer is officially coming to a close (unless you’re reading this in Australia). September to December is my favorite time of year, so a couple years ago I created a “Fall Joy List” to savor the season. (“Savoring life’s joys” is 1 […]
I’ve asked hundreds, if not thousands, of corporate employees what they would do with their time if they could have any job in the world (time, money and skill notwithstanding). Common answers include: What do you think it is about these professions that is so appealing? This is a twist on the “Best Possible Self” […]