Nicole Bensen

Creating Your Best Life in 5 Minutes

Happy Halloween!

*Important questions:

  1. Are you dressing up?
  2. Candy corn: yum or yuck?
  3. Which of these is the scariest šŸ˜±:
    • Being in the same place in your life one year from now
    • Asking for a raise
    • Going for that promotion
    • Applying to a better job
    • Investing in your happiness
    • Asking three people to tell you your superpower

I know you.

You have big dreams.

You’re not here to stay small.

But sometimes your life feels overwhelming with all the stuff that has to happen, like keeping your team motivated, figuring out dinner, organizing the holiday cardsā€¦like who has time to ā€œinvest in your happiness,ā€ right?

What if you could spend just 5 minutes a day to organize your thoughts and make progress toward living those big, life dreams?

Manifesting journal

I created theĀ 3×3 daily manifesting journalĀ because I didn’t want to stare at a blank page. I wanted a framework I could easily repeat every day, without overthinking. I also wanted something pretty! And now I’m sharing it with you. I hope you like pink.

If you’re like me and want a shortcut to creating your best life,Ā grab this daily manifesting journalĀ and watch how taking just 5 minutes can actually change your life.

My answers to the *Important questions:

  1. Are you dressing up?Ā Yes, of course! My husband and I are going as the main characters from Crash Landing on You. PeepĀ InstagramĀ stories for pics.
  2. Candy corn: yum or yuck?Ā YUM
  3. Which of these is the scariest? Mine is 100% being in the same place in my life one year from now. I LOVE my life, AND I have big dreams of reaching more people, so if I didn’t have growth in a year, that’s šŸ˜± for me.



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