Nicole Bensen

This NO-vember

Happy November, friend!

This time of year often brings MORE to our plates. Any of these resonate?

  • Buy holiday gifts (for your family, extended family, teachers, friends).
  • Volunteer to bring a snack to the kids’ school party.
  • Figure out what to buy for the white elephant gift exchange at work.
  • Take family photos.
  • Order and mail holiday cards.
  • Organize who’s bringing what for Thanksgiving.
  • Fill out the end of year performance review notes.
  • Submit comments for colleagues’ performance reviews.
  • Figure out childcare during school vacation.
  • And on and on the list goes…

But what if I could wave a magic wand and take something off your plate? What would you choose?

What if you didn’t need the magic wand but could actually delegate or just skip it entirely?

Is there a thing or two you could say, “No thanks” or “Not this time” to?

can you make this NO-vember one where you say “no” to something that doesn’t benefit you?

It might feel like you’re letting someone down, but that doesn’t mean you’re not doing the right thing. (The double negative just hits different!)

Doing what’s best for you sometimes makes others feel uncomfortable, and THAT’S OKAY. Those who truly love you want what’s best for you. Those are the opinions that matter.

So, what do you think? Can you say no to something this NO-vember? I’m on this side of the screen cheering for you.

P.S. In case you missed last week’s note, I shared my 3×3 daily manifesting journal. I’ve been holding myself accountable by posting a clip of me journaling on Instagram stories every day. If you’d like to join me in spending 5 minutes a day in support of creating your best life, you can get the journal on Amazon.

Manifesting journal



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