Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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My kids started school last week, and Starbucks released all the pumpkin spice goodies—summer is officially coming to a close (unless you’re reading this in Australia). September to December is my favorite time of year, so a couple years ago I created a “Fall Joy List” to savor the season. (“Savoring life’s joys” is 1 […]


What’s the TL;DR? 1. I’m challenging a common stereotype about having money and wanting money. 2. Up on YouTube: a new guided meditation/sleep story about attracting wealth, specifically, millions. Controversial opinion: I love money. How does that statement make you feel? Have you heard, “We don’t talk about money. That’s tacky.”? If you grew up like I did, […]

If you missed my note about hiding your joy/success/wins to make others more comfortable, catch up here. It has been, by far, a note that has resonated more deeply with many. Here are some of the responses (shared with permission): From someone who has a child going through surgeries and radiation (among other exploratory treatments) for […]

It’s BBQ Season! Serious question…what’s the best BBQ food? Burger, hot dog, or something else? Well, no matter what’s on your plate, I’ve got a simple mindfulness practice that takes just 60-seconds. 1-minute Mindful Eating Now…let’s get BBQing! P.S. Last week I shared a resource to swap windows for a mental health boost. Check it out […]

You’ve probably heard “we should practice gratitude” – but have you heard why? Take 2 minutes right now to give yourself a spring boost!

Three years ago, I launched my dream of running luxury retreats for women all over the globe. In the world’s most-ironic timing, day 1 of being a travel entrepreneur (March 16, 2020) was day 1 of shelter-in-place in the Bay Area. At first we thought we’d be home for three weeks…then six weeks…and you all […]

How are you showing yourself love this week? PLUS: Do you like podcasts?

I’m excited to share three development opportunities with you. If you’re not familiar with #IAmRemarkable, it’s a Google initiative empowering you to celebrate your accomplishments. We meet in a small group; it is live, 2 hours, and interactive. If you’d like to join the next one, join the waitlist here: FAQs: Know someone who […]

Today is the day I’m fulfilling a dream I’ve had for years: registration for my Switzerland retreat is now open!

Holding my son on the beach.

Is there something you’ve been procrastinating? I’m not saying skip the research, but just try imagining what it would be like if it were easy.