Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing also helps us on our quest for productivity and success.

Manifesting Journal

Happy November, friend! This time of year often brings MORE to our plates. Any of these resonate? But what if I could wave a magic wand and take something off your plate? What would you choose? What if you didn’t need the magic wand but could actually delegate or just skip it entirely? Is there […]

Happy Halloween! *Important questions: I know you. You have big dreams. You’re not here to stay small. But sometimes your life feels overwhelming with all the stuff that has to happen, like keeping your team motivated, figuring out dinner, organizing the holiday cards…like who has time to “invest in your happiness,” right? What if you […]

This week’s challenge is to “Romanticize your life for 24 hours.” I want you to imagine you’re creating a movie or documentary about the everyday, average things that happen on a typical day in your life.  Capture a photo or video of… Your morning coffee. The way the sun hits a spiderweb. A bite taken […]

Last week I led The Manifesting Catapult, a live, 5-day program where we did one activity per day to support creating your best life. Today I want to share one of those activities with you—called As If Journaling. “As If” Journaling The activity is called “As If” Journaling. No, not talking about Alicia Silverstone à la Clueless, […]

Since we just moved from California to Washington, I’ve been having a lot of conversations with new people. I’ve found myself replaying my words over and over in my head, overthinking and wondering why I decided to share some of the things that came out of my mouth. 😆 Luckily, I’ve got a simple tool to […]

My kids started school last week, and Starbucks released all the pumpkin spice goodies—summer is officially coming to a close (unless you’re reading this in Australia). September to December is my favorite time of year, so a couple years ago I created a “Fall Joy List” to savor the season. (“Savoring life’s joys” is 1 […]


What’s the TL;DR? 1. I’m challenging a common stereotype about having money and wanting money. 2. Up on YouTube: a new guided meditation/sleep story about attracting wealth, specifically, millions. Controversial opinion: I love money. How does that statement make you feel? Have you heard, “We don’t talk about money. That’s tacky.”? If you grew up like I did, […]

If you missed my note about hiding your joy/success/wins to make others more comfortable, catch up here. It has been, by far, a note that has resonated more deeply with many. Here are some of the responses (shared with permission): From someone who has a child going through surgeries and radiation (among other exploratory treatments) for […]

It’s BBQ Season! Serious question…what’s the best BBQ food? Burger, hot dog, or something else? Well, no matter what’s on your plate, I’ve got a simple mindfulness practice that takes just 60-seconds. 1-minute Mindful Eating Now…let’s get BBQing! P.S. Last week I shared a resource to swap windows for a mental health boost. Check it out […]