Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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Remember when grocery stores used to give out samples?  I’m not sure if the post-Pandemic world still does this (also because we heavily use Instacart, DoorDash, UberEats, and Whole Foods Delivery…), but as a kid, Costco was my favorite. It seemed like at the end of every aisle was a hairnet-and-glove-wearing person filling up tiny […]

Do you feel successful? What’s your definition of success? Has that definition changed as you’ve grown? In a recent survey, small business owners defined success to mean “comfort, happiness, and freedom,” with 74% of respondents saying their perception of the American dream had changed. When I was a kid, I thought success looked like wearing a […]

Have you ever received not-so-glowing feedback? Here’s my advice for your advice.

Me: Should I get my tongue pierced first, or my belly button?Friend: Do them both!Me: Or should I do my ear cartilage?Friend: DO IT ALL! In my 20’s I loved riding my motorcycle, baking, cuddling my pets, meeting up with my friends for dinner at 9:00, and having conversations like the above. Present day me […]