Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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Are you searching for the root of why you’re feeling what you’re feeling? Check out this Imposter Syndrome Support option inside!


Hi friend! Last week, one of my private coaching clients wanted help sorting through some stressful thoughts and feelings. I grabbed my STAR sheet and walked through the questions with her. Afterward, she said, “I feel so much calmer and better, thank you!” The acronym STAR stands for Study/scrutinize, Test And Restructure, and it helps […]

Have you heard of a “Favorite Things Party”? This gift-exchange party is a fun way to learn about your friends and family. Read more!


What’s the TL;DR? 1. I’m challenging a common stereotype about having money and wanting money. 2. Up on YouTube: a new guided meditation/sleep story about attracting wealth, specifically, millions. Controversial opinion: I love money. How does that statement make you feel? Have you heard, “We don’t talk about money. That’s tacky.”? If you grew up like I did, […]