Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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Need some help with awkward or challenging interactions this holiday season? Read (or look!) through these helpful visuals.

Nicole Bensen Curated Conversations Podcast

Listen to this podcast interview with Nicole Bensen and Rosemary Watson about the path to becoming a happiness and wellbeing expert.

“Hygge” is the Danish word meaning “conscious comfort, cozy, content.” Click here to read, watch, listen and feel – hygge style.

I spent an hour in a pen with a loose horse and was challenged to feel instead of solve. What do you think happened next?

Have you ever received not-so-glowing feedback? Here’s my advice for your advice.

Tell me something you don’t know, right? Read on to learn more about how being in an unfamiliar place can boost our creativity and happiness.

People vastly underestimate how much change they will experience over ten years. Take a look at your last decade: how much has changed?

Traveling for workshops has provided time for reading, listening and watching. Here are a few of my favorites.

Building an authentic brand doesn’t have to be fancy – it just has to be YOU. Check out this first-class lesson on branding!

Need a productivity hack or 3? Join Next Level You, for over 25 ways to support your most fulfilled life.