Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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Did you start your career excited and bright-eyed, but now find yourself lost? Let’s reclaim your dreams – together.

Hi friend! I recently promised you: Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share resources I’ve created based on frequently-asked questions and common challenges I hear from my clients—typically driven, Type A, Millennials. This week I’m sharing the Goal Strategy Sheet, designed to help you organize your thoughts into a clear plan to accomplish a […]

Hi friend! Have you heard of the “36 Questions that Lead to Love”? It’s a set of questions put together by psychologists in the 90’s to see if two strangers could develop an intimate connection just by asking and answering these questions. They start pretty neutral (“Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would […]

This year I’m inviting more corporate clients to book interactive workshops for their team. Are you ready to take your team to the next level?

What’s ONE thing you can do that will make everything else easier (or even unnecessary)? Here is a recent personal example inside!

Nicole and Jonathan Bensen

I LOVE imagining my best possible future. (Read my blog post about it here.) My husband, on the other hand, hates it. If I want to see him roll his eyes and cross his arms fast, I’d ask him, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 😆 He doesn’t like how nebulous that thought is; […]

Did you set a new year’s resolution? This 5-step tool will help you choose a goal and break it down so you can achieve it step-by-step.

We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing also helps us on our quest for productivity and success.

Manifesting Journal

Happy November, friend! This time of year often brings MORE to our plates. Any of these resonate? But what if I could wave a magic wand and take something off your plate? What would you choose? What if you didn’t need the magic wand but could actually delegate or just skip it entirely? Is there […]

Happy Halloween! *Important questions: I know you. You have big dreams. You’re not here to stay small. But sometimes your life feels overwhelming with all the stuff that has to happen, like keeping your team motivated, figuring out dinner, organizing the holiday cards…like who has time to “invest in your happiness,” right? What if you […]