Nicole Bensen

Don’t Hide the Ups and Downs

If you missed my note about hiding your joy/success/wins to make others more comfortable, catch up here. It has been, by far, a note that has resonated more deeply with many.

Here are some of the responses (shared with permission):

From someone who has a child going through surgeries and radiation (among other exploratory treatments) for an extremely rare, malignant tumor:

I’m so glad you shared this and couldn’t agree more. When people tell us they feel bad that things are going well for them or there is happiness in their life, we are confused. We need people who are full of joy, happiness and love in their lives, so they can share their positive energy with us. That supports us when our tanks are empty.

Another response:

“I learned yesterday that my mom’s best friend has taken a turn for the worst with her health, and she is the absolute epitome of joy. She lives life every single day to the fullest, and you bet your ass I shared this with her, as I know she wishes nothing but joy for everyone around her.

One person shared that they’re on a dream vacation for ~2 months in Europe, but they felt guilty posting to social media, like they’d be “bothering” their friends.

I’m going on record to say, if you’re going on vacation, PLEASE share those photos; I am 100% that friend who loves seeing your food, hotels, and activities. It brings me so much joy, and I’m positive there are many of us who want to see your celebrations and “good stuff.” And there can never be too many pictures of the Eiffel Tower, right? 🙂

So, if you missed it, please hop over to the blog to read it, then let me know if it resonated with you too.

If you want a tool to support manifesting more of the good stuff, grab this free download. I’ve created a “3×3 Daily Manifesting Journal” where you’ll write 3 things you’re grateful for, 3 things you want, and 3 ideas to propel you forward. It’s my twist on 5-minute journaling, and I’ve included 30 days of pages to kickstart your manifesting.

Free manifesting journal link

Cheering for your “ups” and sending strength during the “downs.”



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