Nicole Bensen

Elmo VS. MVE

You know Elmo, right? The furry, red monster on Sesame Street? Elmo’s magic is not something I anticipated experiencing in our house, since my two older kids never showed much interest in him, so I was caught off guard when my 1.5-year-old recently fell head over heels for him. 

(We’ve watched the same two episodes on YouTube more times than Count can count.)

In one episode, they gave an idea to tackle a challenge, and I realized it was eerily similar to the MVE approach I teach in my workshops…to accomplished adults.

Elmo’s tip: When facing a challenge, say “I wonder… What if… Let’s try.”

My tip: When setting a goal, choose an MVE (minimum viable experiment) as the first step toward progress. You’re not locking yourself into a path or set of rules, you’re just choosing the first step. This allows you to quickly evaluate the experiment and tweak as needed, and this can also trigger a dopamine rush by accomplishing this small goal – which gives you a boost to keep going.

You can use this approach for challenges, or goals, or even when manifesting.

I just created a printable manifesting journal that makes it easy to try out this MVE approach. Try it for a week, and let me know what you think!

Cheering for you!

PS. Need a refresher on MVE’s? Head to this blog for a fun explanation!



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