Finding wellbeing can mean getting comfortable with something new. Want to join this online class with me to find wellbeing through poetry?
Hi friend! Last week, one of my private coaching clients wanted help sorting through some stressful thoughts and feelings. I grabbed my STAR sheet and walked through the questions with her. Afterward, she said, “I feel so much calmer and better, thank you!” The acronym STAR stands for Study/scrutinize, Test And Restructure, and it helps […]
Remember when grocery stores used to give out samples? I’m not sure if the post-Pandemic world still does this (also because we heavily use Instacart, DoorDash, UberEats, and Whole Foods Delivery…), but as a kid, Costco was my favorite. It seemed like at the end of every aisle was a hairnet-and-glove-wearing person filling up tiny […]
Did you set a new year’s resolution? This 5-step tool will help you choose a goal and break it down so you can achieve it step-by-step.
We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing also helps us on our quest for productivity and success.
This Do Good December calendar provides a little prompt of kindness to integrate into your daily life.
This week I’m popping in with a quick note and a TED talk recommendation: Where joy hides and how to find it by Ingrid Fetell Lee. As someone who’s gotten the side eye 👀 for being an adult wearing a tulle dress or Disneybounding or dressing for the season, I resonated with this quote: “As we get older, being colorful or exuberant opens us […]
This week’s challenge is to “Romanticize your life for 24 hours.” I want you to imagine you’re creating a movie or documentary about the everyday, average things that happen on a typical day in your life. Capture a photo or video of… Your morning coffee. The way the sun hits a spiderweb. A bite taken […]
Happy October! It’s officially spooky season, and today I’m sharing something a bit scary. But, we promise you’re going to love it (once it’s over). If you’re looking for a way to spark your personal growth journey, try this tip below. I want you to email three people whose opinions you trust and value, and […]
Last week I led The Manifesting Catapult, a live, 5-day program where we did one activity per day to support creating your best life. Today I want to share one of those activities with you—called As If Journaling. “As If” Journaling The activity is called “As If” Journaling. No, not talking about Alicia Silverstone à la Clueless, […]