Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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You know Elmo, right? The furry, red monster on Sesame Street? Elmo’s magic is not something I anticipated experiencing in our house, since my two older kids never showed much interest in him, so I was caught off guard when my 1.5-year-old recently fell head over heels for him.  (We’ve watched the same two episodes […]

Nicole Bensen Curated Conversations Podcast

Listen to this podcast interview with Nicole Bensen and Rosemary Watson about the path to becoming a happiness and wellbeing expert.

Have you gotten any yet? The notes that say, “We’re halfway through the year, where are you with your resolutions?”  I shared back in January that I’m not big on resolutions; I like MVEs, minimum viable experiments. These are tiny micro nudges toward progress, and I encourage you to make these tiny goals whether you’re […]