Nicole Bensen


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Happy fall, friend! September to December is my favorite time of year, so a few years ago I created a “Fall Joy List” to savor the season. (“Savoring life’s joys” is 1 of 12 happiness-enhancing strategies extensively studied and proven to boost your wellbeing.) If you’re looking for ideas to increase your happiness and mindfulness, […]

Waaay back in May, I introduced my 12-week series, “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark” designed to put YOU back in charge, friend, of defining success and the dreams you want in just ~10 minutes a week. Although we officially had our 12th week last week, I had to share this bonus idea (who doesn’t […]

Are you looking to soothe anxiety in minutes? Watch (or listen) to these 5 Proven Strategies from a Fortune 500 Speaker.

Hi friend, If you’re feeling overwhelmed, drained, or just plain sad right now, you’re not alone. Sometimes life throws us a curveball (or five), and it’s hard to keep up. The to-do list seems endless; the weight of the world feels heavy; and even getting out of bed can feel like a big lift. I’ve been […]

Hi friend, I just got off a Zoom webinar of 4 CEOs talking about how they build trust in their orgs. And these are big-name companies: CEOs of Hilton, Delta Airlines, Edward Jones, and Great Place to Work…moderated by the CEO of Fortune. …and I’m not sure how I feel about it. On one hand I […]

What’s ONE thing you can do that will make everything else easier (or even unnecessary)? Here is a recent personal example inside!

Happy Women’s History month! A couple weeks ago I went to a Korean spa with some friends. Have you been to a Korean spa? You start by soaking in a hot tub; then you’re taken to a waterproof table (think massage table minus the privacy sheet) where every inch of your body is vigorously scrubbed […]

Happy Valentine’s week, friend. This week I’m sharing three, beautiful pieces of writing that moved me, written by Bianca Sparacino, @rainbowsalt on Instagram. This week I hope you make time and space to love YOU. This year, I hope you learn how to let go of everyone’s opinion of your life. I hope you start to […]

I (already) checked off an experience that I put on my 2024 vision board. Are you interested in a WORKING vision board? Check it out inside!

Have you heard of a “Favorite Things Party”? This gift-exchange party is a fun way to learn about your friends and family. Read more!