Nicole Bensen

A Dreamy Time

I’ve asked hundreds, if not thousands, of corporate employees what they would do with their time if they could have any job in the world (time, money and skill notwithstanding).

Common answers include:

  • Writer (travel and food blogger, romance novels, crime fiction)
  • Having a farm stand (coffee, flowers, exotic fruits)
  • Owning a bookstore (often with a combo of a something like a coffee shop, record shop, crepe stand)
  • Running a bed and breakfast in Europe or wine country
  • Having a dog/animal rescue

What do you think it is about these professions that is so appealing?

This is a twist on the “Best Possible Self” activity that has been extensively researched and shown to have a positive impact on your happiness, wellbeing, and goal-achievement.

so, what would you choose to do with your time? 

What’s your dream job, friend?

BTW – this doesn’t have to be a goal-setting exercise. You could simply enjoy dreaming about what you need at that moment.

Sometimes I imagine I’m in a loft apartment in the middle of Paris, and sometimes I imagine I’m alone with a stack of books and a roaring fire in a quiet, remote cabin.

If you want to increase your happiness, try this activity. You could make it realistic or not; either could show what’s important to you.

Level 1: Close your eyes for 5 minutes right now, and imagine your dream job. What would you do? Whom do you interact with? What would your commute be? How long would you work each day? How much money would you receive?

Level 2: Do the above, then write about it for 15 minutes.

Level 3: Do this practice every day for 2 weeks; then check in and see what you’ve learned about yourself. Did you have different ideas on different days? Notice any patterns?

And if you open up that farmstand, coffee shop, puppy rescue, or B&B, let me know. I’d love to visit!



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