Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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When the world feels uncertain, chaotic, or scary, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless, am I right? When I’m feeling uneasy or powerless, I ask myself this question: Do I want to take a break? Or take action? Why this works: It reins in your thoughts back to what you can control. Taking a […]

Do you know anyone who’s been impacted by a layoff recently? Friday was a funky day as my previous employer, Google, announced they’re laying off many folks, reportedly 12,000, and I have a lot of friends there. Earlier, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft all went through layoffs too. I felt sad and uneasy, then I felt […]

Holding my son on the beach.

Is there something you’ve been procrastinating? I’m not saying skip the research, but just try imagining what it would be like if it were easy.