Get your Free Bingo Card Template to turn goals into fun, actionable steps. Plan your best year yet with this creative and easy tool!
As we kick off 2025, you’re probably seeing a lot of “New Year, New You” hype. Maybe you’re setting resolutions, choosing a word of the year, or maybe even creating a vision board. You know I’m a big fan of vision boards, right?! This is me leading a vision board workshop last week: But have […]
As we enter 2025, ask not “What more can I do?” but “What can I let go of?” Release the burdens of others’ expectations, constant availability, and comparison. Growth begins with the courage to let go. Here’s to less pressure and more you.
You might be celebrating Christmas Eve, Hanukkah Eve, or maybe just a quiet inbox because your colleagues are OOO.
Do you ever feel this way in life? We might chase the shiny, the different, the “latest thing our favorite influencer recommended,” only to realize it’s not what WE want at all.
Did you hear that Cambridge Dictionary just named “Manifest” their Word of the Year?
Why? Because millions of people are excited, or at least curious about, the powerful idea of turning dreams into reality.
But here’s the thing: manifesting isn’t magic—it’s backed by science.
I had the pleasure of joining CEO, Mark Williams on his podcast, Mileage May Vary, where we explored the idea of “failing forward”—how embracing mistakes can lead to massive growth. We also dove into what managers can do to help their teams thrive, especially when resources are tight. Although we talked specifically about these ideas in the workplace, the same principles apply outside the office, even when we’re just looking to motivate ourselves.
This trip feels like a dream—and not just because of the soft sand beaches and clear, aqua water. It’s a beautiful reminder that life can surprise you with better-than-imagined outcomes when you’re open to possibilities.
Have you ever thought about why we say things like “cross your fingers” or “touch/knock on wood”? Or why people wear the same outfit every time they fly, or don’t wash a jersey 🤢 when their team’s in a winning streak?
How are you feeling today? When I look at this feelings wheel, I’ve gone through the gamut this past week: disappointed, confused, inquisitive, hopeful, worried, resentful, appalled, playful, creative, eager, loving. Some of those feelings have been stronger than others, but this is life, right? There will be times to stand up and fight, and there […]