Nicole Bensen

Being Present (I’m not horsing around.)

Wow. I was just on the receiving end of one of the best coaching sessions ever.

Have you heard of Equus Coaching or horse therapy?

Last week I went into the hills, surrounded by beautiful trees and a view of the Pacific Ocean, and then spent an hour in a 50-foot, round pen with a loose horse (after being briefed on safety measures, of course). My coach, Steven, stood outside the pen and asked me to talk about a challenge.

A horse being led into its pen

When I was in my head, thinking, trying to solve the problem, the horse moved to the other side of the pen and paid no attention to me.

But when I started feeling, the tears came, and so did Ameena, the horse. She came right up next to me and nuzzled her face against my head.

A horse named Ameena and I

When I was present, this magnificent horse was present with me.

Steven and I talked about challenging relationships, as well as things I wanted from the horse: “I want her to feel comfortable; I want her to WANT to be close to me,” and how that related to my feelings on people in my life.

And we all know we can’t control how someone else (or a horse!) is feeling.

I can’t wait to share this experience with you at a future retreat. If you want to be the first to know when retreats are available, join the waitlist here.

What do you think? Would you want to experience this?

P.S. Did you miss last week’s note about how I just received the lowest score ever on my workshop? Ugh. Catch up here.

P.P.S. Here are two wellbeing resources for November:

November Happiness Calendar
November self-care ideas



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