Nicole Bensen

Good Stuff Coming True

Waaay back in May, I introduced my 12-week series, “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark” designed to put YOU back in charge of defining success and the dreams you want in just ~10 minutes a week.

Although we officially had our 12th week last week, I had to share this bonus idea (who doesn’t love a baker’s dozen?) to increase the likelihood of all that good stuff coming true that you wrote about in your 10 Life Pillars, your “as if” journaling, and put on your vision board.

If you recall, the “Anchor” practice is designed to take 5–10 minutes, and the “Amplify” practice is shared if you want to supercharge the energy around your dreams.


  1. Pull up the vision board you created last week. Look at each photo, and imagine you’re living that life and having those things and experiences now. Let yourself FEEL the positive emotions that come up.
  2. While you’re basking in that glow, grab your “as if” journaling, and read it out loud to yourself.


  1. Record yourself reading your “as if” journaling. You don’t need anything fancy—grab your phone, and use Google’s Recorder app if you’re on a Pixel, or Apple’s Voice Memos if you’re like 98% of my friends who have an iPhone (Pixel’s better though…😏), or the equivalent on whatever phone you’re on.
  2. Listen to the recording daily—ideally, first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed.
  3. If you have a person you trust to support your dreams, read the letter out loud to them (and encourage them to create a vision board and “as if” journal entry too!).


  1. The important piece is getting those good feelings and energy coursing through your mind and body. If you find yourself feeling upset or sad that you’re not living that life, shift your energy to something that makes you feel good, and high vibe, as my woo-woo girlies say.
  2. Whether you lean toward science or spirit, this works. The tl;dr: our brains form neural pathways as we have thoughts, and those pathways get stronger with repetition. Our brain will start to think of our dreams as normal/achievable, and look for ways to make those desires happen.
  3. If you’ve been here a while, you know we’re not waiting for this “dream life” to be happy now. You deserve to be happy nowAND, it’s wonderful and important to have dreams and aspirations.

Cheering for your BEST life,

– Nicole

P.S. If you participated in just 1 week or all 13 of the “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark” series, would you do me a favor and take 1 minute to reply with your thoughts? What did you like or dislike? Your feedback helps me create more things you’ll enjoy, so thank you in advance. ❤️



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