Welcome to Week 9, friend!
The last couple weeks have been heavy and serious…finances, careers…so this week I’m excited to be talking about pillar 9: Recreation. In this bucket we’re talking vacations, luxury bags, puppies—BRING ON THE FUN!
When you think about living your best life, what do you picture? Palm trees and white sand beaches? White water rafting? Weekly massages? Living on a puppy rescue?
What are the things and experiences you want to have in your life?
When I’ve led this class live, some of the messages I saw were:
(Okay, yes, several of those are from my own personal vision. 😍)
ANCHOR: Take 10 minutes to answer/journal.
AMPLIFY: If you want to go deeper on this theme.
See you next week for the 10th pillar where we make the intangible tangible.
Cheering for your best life,
– Nicole
ICYMI: This is week 9 of my 12-week series, “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark.” It’s designed to put you back in control of defining success and the dreams YOU want in just ~10 minutes a week. You can catch up here: Week 1: Existential, Week 2: Intellectual, Week 3: Environmental, Week 4: Relational, Week 5: Physical, Week 6: Mental Wellbeing, Week 7: Financial, and Week 8: Occupational.