Nicole Bensen

Finding Wellbeing

Hi friend,

Other than some cringey poems I wrote as an angsty teen, I don’t have much poetry in my life. It feels both a little airy-fairy AND too intellectual for someone like me. Like it’s only for people who snap their fingers in a cozy, dark speakeasy after someone steps back from an open mic night.

I don’t know anything about that world, and I’d feel so incredibly uncomfortable sitting in a chair not knowing where to look.

Do I look at the speaker’s eyes?

Am I supposed to close my eyes and just feel?

Undoubtedly, someone would rest their hand gently on my shoulder and tell me there’s no wrong way to listen to poetry.

…and that’s exactly why I signed up for an upcoming, online class, “Finding Wellbeing Through Poetry.” I LOVE learning about new ways to support mental health, AND I get to try this one in my safe space—home.

I met the facilitator, Lauren, a couple years ago and was immediately drawn in by her soothing voice and calming vibe. She has an incredible background working on Google’s AI to have empathy, writing speeches for the French Consul, as well as expertise in mindfulness and, of course, poetry.

She’s led this workshop for hundreds of people in and outside Google, and I’m so excited to attend on May 21st to learn from her! (By the way, this isn’t sponsored; I get no “kickbacks.” I’m sharing because I know you’re here to get tips and tools for thriving and thought you might be interested in this too.) 🙂

If you want to join me (or attend another date), you can sign up for one of her live, online workshops here:

online class: finding wellbeing through poetry 

More about the class and Lauren:

Lauren Ducrey is an award-winning poet, speaker, AI designer (ex-Google), mindfulness facilitator and string cheese enthusiast. When she’s not designing more humane tech, she’s on a mission to break poetry out of its ivory tower as an accessible tool for us to (re)connect with ourselves, others and the world.

Research shows that poetry is like music to your brain. In other words: everyone can feel poetry. Come see for yourself in this online workshop where poems become opportunities for you to slow down and check in with your inner and outer worlds.

You’ll learn a little about the psychology of poetry, experience a meditative reading and partake in a guided group conversation around original pieces by Lauren. By connecting to the playfulness and musicality of poetry you’ll explore your emotions, spark your creativity and flex your empathy muscles in community.

All humans welcome – No previous experience with poetry required!

Students have said they walk away feeling “completely refreshed with a renewed creative spark”, and “reawakened to the value of connecting with other people centered on poetry, meditation and healing.”

Did you get your emotions out through poems in your teenage years too? Please tell me I’m not alone. 😆

P.S. Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share resources I’ve created based on frequently-asked questions and common challenges I hear from my clients—typically driven, Type A, Millennials.

Sneak peek: one framework is for interacting with someone emotional, and you want to protect your peace. The other is a simple one-sheeter to help you get clear on the steps you need to take to accomplish a (any) goal. (Created for a client who was looking for a new role that better matched her skills and passions at a place that valued her.)

Let me know what challenges you’re facing, and I’ll do my best to share any resources I know about too.



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