Nicole Bensen

Time-Saving Productivity Hacks

I just threw a giant pile of dirty, unsorted, kids’ clothes into a black trash bag and left it on my doorstep, and the next day a purple bag full of washed and neatly-folded clothes was put back on my doorstep. Like MAGIC. Cue the angelic “Ahhhh“.

Delivered folded laundry.

I don’t dislike doing laundry, necessarily, but there are times I’ll pay for the convenience of a laundry service because my time was more valuable that week being spent in other ways.

Second hack: this Chrome extension (I’m sure there’s something similar if you’re not a Chrome-user): Video Speed Controller

I love being able to watch a 15-minute productivity TED talk in 10 minutes. #inception

This third one isn’t so secret, but food delivery. Instacart, Whole Foods delivery, and DoorDash are some of my most-often-used apps. (I’m not saying it’s always the best nutritional or financial decision; I’m saying it’s a time-saver. So if you signed up for my happiness and wellbeing VIP list expecting nutrition or finance advice, I’ve got bad news…)

So, tell me, what’s your favorite time-saving hack or productivity secret?

  • Have you ordered DoorDash instead of cooking dinner?
  • Paid someone to clean your house?
  • Used Instacart to deliver your groceries?
  • Had Jiffy Lube change the oil in your car?

(If I had to change my car’s oil there would probably be hours of watching YouTube videos, followed by a mess, followed by some adult words, and even then, I’m not sure I’d get the job done.)

Wishing you a productive and happy day.

P.S. If you want to take control of your wellbeing and finally feel like you have tools to squash stress, you could spend hours reading all the self-help books, or go to a month-long, silent retreat with monks — OR you could join my online, wellbeing program, Next Level You. A past student said she was so busy in life she appreciated having these best practices spoon-fed to her.

You’ll walk away with more than 25 ways to support you living your happiest, most-fulfilled life.

Oh, and did I mention many strategies can be done in 5 minutes? (See: time = valuable)

You’ve got emails to answer and laundry to do, so I’ve focused on the easiest, most-impactful ways to start living the life you’ve been dreaming of TODAY.



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