Nicole Bensen

Know anyone who teaches French?

Have you heard of the Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment? One of my top 5 strengths is: “Futuristic.” People exceptionally talented in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be.

This might be why the “Best Possible Self” happiness practice is one of my favorites. You simply sit down and journal for 15 minutes about your best possible future. Sometimes I imagine things, like “I speak French fluently.” But then I return to my day-to-day where I push “learn French” to the bottom of my to-do list, because that seems like a nice-to-have when the laundry and emails and back to school paperwork are all must-haves.

Can you relate?

I recently saw this quote, and it hit home:

“Ask yourself what you want your life to look like. Close your eyes and try to picture yourself living your happiest life, to the highest potential. Notice what surrounds you, who surrounds you. Notice what you have and what you bravely left behind to get to this place of peace. Now think about the present moment and ask yourself if the life you are living now will eventually lead you to the life you were just imagining for yourself. And if the answer is no, ask yourself what you could do differently.” — Charlotte Freeman

What’s something you’d like your future self to have or do or be, but you’ve been pushing to the bottom of your list?

Is there a small step you could take today your future self will thank you for?

Mine is asking if anyone has a French tutor they’d recommend. So…let me know if you know anyone. 🙂

P.S. Did you know “choosing one small step” is a part of the wellbeing framework I teach?

In my virtual wellbeing program, Next Level You, you’ll learn simplified, joyful and experimental personal development — this is the key to creating a more meaningful, connected, successful and happy life.

Join the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open in a couple weeks (and get the early-bird price)!



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