Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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One of my 2025 Bingo Card goals is to attend more networking events both in person and online. And in the first two months of this year I’ve been to SEVEN in person, group networking events (with two more happening this week). And I’ve noticed a lot. Some good, some not-so-good, and honestly some really bad mistakes people tend […]

If the world feels overwhelming right now, you’re not alone. I’ve rounded up some simple ways to protect your peace, so you don’t burn out. Here are 3 articles from the Greater Good Science Center: And here are 5 simple ideas, even if you only have 20 minutes: I took this pic in Barnes and […]

How are you feeling today? When I look at this feelings wheel, I’ve gone through the gamut this past week: disappointed, confused, inquisitive, hopeful, worried, resentful, appalled, playful, creative, eager, loving. Some of those feelings have been stronger than others, but this is life, right? There will be times to stand up and fight, and there […]

Waaay back in May, I introduced my 12-week series, “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark” designed to put YOU back in charge, friend, of defining success and the dreams you want in just ~10 minutes a week. Although we officially had our 12th week last week, I had to share this bonus idea (who doesn’t […]

Hi friend! I recently promised you: Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share resources I’ve created based on frequently-asked questions and common challenges I hear from my clients—typically driven, Type A, Millennials. This week I’m sharing the Goal Strategy Sheet, designed to help you organize your thoughts into a clear plan to accomplish a […]

Hi friend, Can you believe it’s already May 1st? May is Mental Health Awareness month, so each week I’ll share a simple, fun tool to support living your best life. To kick off strong, here are three ideas: If you want… Hope you’re able to take a 5-minute break to refill YOUR cup today! P.S. In […]

Nicole and Jonathan Bensen

I LOVE imagining my best possible future. (Read my blog post about it here.) My husband, on the other hand, hates it. If I want to see him roll his eyes and cross his arms fast, I’d ask him, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” 😆 He doesn’t like how nebulous that thought is; […]

Did you set a new year’s resolution? This 5-step tool will help you choose a goal and break it down so you can achieve it step-by-step.

We’re often quick to adopt tools that help us be more productive, but sometimes we forget that supporting our wellbeing also helps us on our quest for productivity and success.

This week’s challenge is to “Romanticize your life for 24 hours.” I want you to imagine you’re creating a movie or documentary about the everyday, average things that happen on a typical day in your life.  Capture a photo or video of… Your morning coffee. The way the sun hits a spiderweb. A bite taken […]