Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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BLARCIFT. Pronounced: BLAR-sift. It’s okay if you have no idea what I’m talking about, friend, because this acronym started as a joke when a client was asking for tips to protect herself during emotional conversations, and I was trying to come up with an easy way to remember these. We laughed at how we’d never remember […]

My kids started school last week, and Starbucks released all the pumpkin spice goodies—summer is officially coming to a close (unless you’re reading this in Australia). September to December is my favorite time of year, so a couple years ago I created a “Fall Joy List” to savor the season. (“Savoring life’s joys” is 1 […]

Did you know that those who are lonely live shorter lives?! I didn’t either. Read on to follow these three steps of squashing loneliness.