Nicole Bensen

the Tea Time blog

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Hi friend! I’m sharing something a little different today.  You’re here because you want to create your best life: increase joy, set boundaries, feel worthy beyond accomplishments, but NOT at the sake of trading your hard-earned career/status for wellbeing, right? Not today, burnout. Maybe you’ve grabbed my tools like:  If it’s on your vision board to […]

Networking can feel hard and awkward, right? This week I attended a Speed Networking event. Read more here (plus some goodies)!

When I was a kid, my school had candy bar fundraisers.   Did you ever have to go door-to-door selling something, or stand outside Target asking people, “Hi, would you like to buy a candy bar for a dollar?” (Side question: have candy bar prices not changed in 30 years, or were we just charging a […]