Nicole Bensen

10 Life Pillars: The Vibe

Welcome to week 10, friend! This is the final of our 10 Life Pillars, and this week we’re making the intangible tangible.

We’re talking about THE VIBE.

When you think about your best life, what feelings do you want to have?

And let’s get specific, okay? I love The Feelings Wheel created by the late Dr. Gloria Willcox. It includes layers of emotions, so “happy” could be better described as “confident” or “free” or “hopeful.”


ANCHOR: Take 10 minutes to answer/journal.

  • What feelings come up when you think about living your best life?
  • Are there any quotes or affirmations that support those feelings?
  • What do you want to 1) stop, 2) start, or 3) continue?
  • What supports you experiencing more of those feelings?
  • What drains you of those feelings?

AMPLIFY: If you want to go deeper on this theme.

  • Make a Pinterest board with images that spark those positive feelings for you. For example, a photo of the ocean or a singing bowl might make you feel peaceful—and a photo of a giant bouquet of pink peonies might make you feel abundant.

See you next week when we’ll create scenarios and put those feelings on paper.

Cheering for your best life,

ICYMI: This is week 10 of my 12-week series, “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark.” It’s designed to put you back in control of defining success and the dreams YOU want in just ~10 minutes a week. You can catch up on the previous pillars on the blog.



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