Nicole Bensen

10 Life Pillars: Intellectual

tl;dr: This is week 2 of my 12-week series called “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark.” It’s designed to put you back in control of defining success and the dreams YOU want in just ~10 minutes a week. Ready to reclaim and reignite?

Right now, I’m on a plane heading back to the Bay Area because I’m leading my “Increasing Happiness: 5 tools to support your wellbeing and success” workshop. Although that’s an accurate description, I felt like it didn’t fully convey the incredible results and power that come from supporting your happiness.

For example, did you know it’s possible to influence a stranger’s happiness for a YEAR, by spending one minute on a happiness activity you did to benefit YOURSELF? 🤯

So, I asked Gemini to help me come up with a subtitle that captured the passion and belief I have behind this movement. What do you think of this revision?

Increasing Happiness

One Minute to Change the World: Your Happiness as a Catalyst for Good

I feel like I need some epic trailer music for that title! 🙂

If you want to learn more about my corporate/team workshops, check out some info here, or reply with any questions.

Welcome to week 2 of my 12-week series: “Reclaim Your Dreams: Reignite Your Spark.” If you’re ready to dive in, skip to the photo below to get started.

In case you missed last week’s note, here’s a recap:

This series is based on my “10 Life Pillars” activity from my Ultimate Vision Board Workshop, and it’s been called “super powerful for examining my goals, and what *I* really want,” “helpful for making my dreams more real,” and “eye-opening.”

What’s the purpose?

The 10 Life Pillars activity separates your life into 10 categories, so you can zoom in on one part of your life at a time. You’ll look at what energizes you and drains you, and think about any changes you’d like to make.

Each week I’ll share an “Anchor” practice, designed to take 5-10 minutes, and an “Amplify” practice if you want to go deeper on that week’s theme.  

There will be weeks when your thoughts flow effortlessly, and others when you need to pause and reflect. That’s totally normal! Give yourself permission to pause—it’s all part of figuring things out.


ANCHOR: Take 10 minutes to answer/journal.

  • What topics spark your curiosity and make you want to know more?
  • What stimulates your mind?
  • What is something you want to learn?
  • What do you want to 1) stop, 2) start, or 3) continue?
  • What energizes you?
  • What drains you?

AMPLIFY: If you want to go deeper on this theme.

Three books* that expanded my creative thinking: (I loved “Big Magic” and “The Big Leap” via Audiobooks b/c they’re read by the authors.)

I’ll see you next week for pillar 3.


*These are my Amazon Associate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

P.S. ICYMI, I’m on a plane right now, heading back to the Bay Area because this week I’m leading my “Increasing Happiness: 5 Experiments to Boost Wellbeing and Success” workshop for a group at Google. I’m excited to be back in the city I lived in for 10+ years!

Want to learn about an interactive workshop for your group, company, or ERG? Get the scoop here.



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