Nicole Bensen

Are you happy?

Are you happy?

According to the 2023 United Nations World Happiness Report, “The millions of happiness survey respondents from around the globe have illuminated the key factors affecting happiness that show up consistently in the countries where people rate themselves as happiest. They are:

  • Physical and mental health
  • Relationships with family, at work, and in the community
  • Income and employment — sufficient health and wealth
  • Citizen virtues of pro-sociality and trust
  • Social support
  • Personal freedom to make life choices
  • Lack of corruption
  • Effective government”*

Some of these require more than just you alone and will take a longer runway, AND there are so many things you could do today to give yourself a boost of happiness.

What is ONE thing you’ll do today in support of your wellbeing? What is something that sounds FUN and EASY for you to do?

Here are a few ideas I came up with, but I’d love for you to reply and tell me one thing you’ll commit to doing for YOU.

  • Walk in nature to support both your physical and mental health.
  • Take a yoga class in studio or in your living room. You can find a ton of free classes on YouTube.
  • Watch a laughter yoga video. (It’s silly, and it’ll probably make you laugh.)
  • Text a friend and tell them something you appreciate about them.
  • Listen to a guided meditation.

Cheering for your joy!

*World Happiness Report: Psychology Today “World Happiness is a Movement”



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