Nicole Bensen

Love & Podcasts

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I hope you take a moment to show yourself some love today. Even if it’s only five minutes—what do you need? How can you give that to yourself?

This article, “4 ways to turn a bad day around,” has some lovely ideas, even if you’re not having a bad day.

Treating myself

You may have seen on Instagram, I’m finally working on a podcast/video series I’ve been thinking about for years. YEARS.

In a previous life I was a recruiter, and I LOVE hearing people’s stories. I’ve thought about having a podcast that’s reminiscent of the stories from Humans of New York mixed with Oprah’s interviews, all with a dash of inspiration and a whole lotta authenticity.

Yes, I want to know how you got that VP role at a Fortune 500, but I also want to know, “What’s your favorite way to de-stress? And what’s your favorite meal? And what’s keeping you up at night? And what’s the last failure you experienced?”

What’s been holding me back is thinking about the podcast software, and the editing, and the intro music, and the blah, blah, blah. So, in taking my own advice, I’m asking myself, “What if it were easy?”

What if this podcast has extremely limited editing and polishing, so you got to experience the conversation as if you were sitting at the coffee shop with us?

Does the idea of an unfiltered conversation resonate?

If you’d like to help shape this new idea, take 2 minutes to fill out this survey.



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