Nicole Bensen

Dreaming of wellbeing?

You know the line in “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” that goes, “And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again”?

I really felt that one this year.

Listen, I love my kids more than anything, but there is a different level of “loud” in the house when everyone is home. Not to mention all the dishes. And the laundry. 

Anyway, last week was the first day everyone was back in school/childcare, and I appreciated the silent house. I’m a better mom and human when I have quiet time on my own. Can you relate?

I spent that quiet time confirming a few details for my luxe women’s wellbeing retreat April 1-6 in Switzerland. The schedule is so close to being done I can taste it. (And it tastes like chocolate.)

I’m dreaming of the moment I’ll be sitting in this pool:

Pool overlooking ocean in Switzerland

That’s next to this epic view:

Pool overlooking ocean in Switzerland

The first 5 women who sign up for this luxury retreat will get special pricing, so if you’re considering joining this epic getaway, fill out the form ASAP!

You’ll experience wellbeing workshops, local activities, and downtime for you to rest and recharge in the gorgeous Swiss Alps.

Can’t wait till April for wellbeing tools? Check these out:



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