Nicole Bensen

Do You Have A Vision Board?

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people flock to Times Square in New York City to watch the iconic ball drop and ring in the new year. Many would even say this is checking off an item on their bucket list.

But have you ever thought about the prep needed to be at that perfect spot at midnight?

I hadn’t, so I was taken aback when my friend told me about one of the things she did.

First, she had to wait for hours. HOURS. Imagine arriving in the late morning to stake out your spot, then spending 12+ hours on your feet in the cold.

Oh, and you can’t leave, or you lose your spot due to the crowds. Sure, you can bring snacks and water, but what about bathroom needs?

Enter: diapers.

Yep, you read that right. She and everyone in the group wore adult diapers. 

When I made her repeat it to make sure I heard her correctly, she shrugged it off as merely a step to fulfilling this life-long dream. Genius? Worth it? Going too far?

Surprised, yes, but no judgment here!

Suffice it to say people will come up with creative solutions to tick off goals and dreams.

Do you have a vision/dream/goal board?

Are you familiar with this idea?

It’s a place to have some pictures of things, feelings, and experiences you’d like to invite into your life. Some people add quotes or words too. You can create a physical copy by cutting and pasting things from magazines, or my personal favorite: making a digital board using Canva or Google Slides, which I often print or use as a computer or phone background.

I LOVE creating vision boards and have been doing it for years. Just for you I dragged out an old album and found a vision board I created in 2008:

In case you missed it on my Instagram story, I put together this one a couple days ago for my current phone background:

Make a phone background with your own pictures by clicking here to use this free template and click “Create with Canva.”

Yesterday I created this vision board to capture the activities, feelings, and goals I have for my upcoming women’s retreat in Switzerland this April:

I’m putting together final touches and will be officially opening the doors very soon. If you want to be the first to know about the details for this epic, spa-filled, rejuvenating retreat in Switzerland, join the retreat waitlist here, or email “cheese and chocolate!” to me (, and I’ll get you the scoop.

P.S. Would you be interested in a free, online, vision board party for you to walk out with your own vision board? If there’s enough interest I’ll either host a live (online) workshop in the next couple weeks, or I’ll make a YouTube video. Let me know if either of these would be helpful for you.

P.P.S. Did you open this email hoping for “new year, better you” tips? Read this for why I’m not big on new year’s resolutions.



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