Nicole Bensen

Wellbeing Support: Holiday Edition

As I kid I never had an advent calendar, but either they’ve grown in popularity, or I’m just aware of them now. Do you use one? One of my friends who doesn’t even celebrate Christmas gets into the fun of opening a little window each day leading up to the holiday.

This year I bought one for my husband from Laderach (his favorite chocolate), and one for us from Nespresso.

If you’d enjoy one a little less commercial and more mindful, check out this free list: 25-Day Meditation ‘Advent Calendar’ To Better Navigate the Stress of the Holiday Season.

It has simple, 5-minute meditation prompts like, “I am grateful for my body because…”


How are you supporting your wellbeing this holiday season?

Wishing you a peaceful start to the final month of 2022!



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