Nicole Bensen

4 steps to a meaningful thank you note

Tip 6 from the 10-week Fall Joy List is “Do one kind thing for someone else that takes fewer than 10 minutes.”


  • Send a text to a friend with one thing you appreciate about them.
  • Hold the door open for a stranger.
  • Write a thank you note.

Want to know what makes a good thank you note? When I worked in Staffing, I advised 1000+ people on how to write notes after interviewing. (You’d be surprised how many people don’t send them!)

4 steps to a meaningful thank you note:

  1. Start with a greeting, of course. (Hi/Hello/Dear Name,)
  2. Say thanks for the time/event/gift, and mention a detail about it. (Thank you for the flowers; the tulips were my favorite shade of pink.)
  3. Say something specific about why it matters to you. (Losing a pet is always hard, but every time I walked past my dining table this week and saw the bouquet, it reminded me of the good times I had with Rainbow Spice, and that I have supportive people around me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.)
  4. Sign off accordingly. (Love, Kind regards, Cheers) + your name

Prefer visuals? Here you go:

4 steps to a meaningful thank you note
4 steps to a meaningful thank you note. Start with a greeting, of course. (Hi/Hello/Dear Name,)
Say thanks for the time/event/gift, and mention a detail about it. (Thank you for the flowers; the tulips were my favorite shade of pink.)
Say something specific about why it matters to you. (Losing a pet is always hard, but every time I walked past my dining table this week and saw the bouquet, it reminded me of the good times I had with Rainbow Spice, and that I have supportive people around me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.)*
Sign off accordingly. (Love, Kind regards, Cheers) + your name
4 steps to a meaningful thank you note. Say thanks for the time/event/gift, and mention a detail about it. (Thank you for the flowers; the tulips were my favorite shade of pink.)
4 steps to a meaningful thank you note. Say something specific about why it matters to you. (Losing a pet is always hard, but every time I walked past my dining table this week and saw the bouquet, it reminded me of the good times I had with Rainbow Spice, and that I have supportive people around me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.)
Bonus: If you're writing a thank you email after interviewing, you want to recap a point where the conversation was going well, and follow-up with anything you wanted to add.
Example: I enjoyed chatting with you about X; we were on the same page about how to solve X with Y. Also, the question you asked about Z had my wheels turning all afternoon; in addition to X idea I shared, I also thought of Y. That hypothetical product sounds like something we really should create!

This format works for appreciation after an interview to thanking your neighbor for watching your dog, so save these 4 steps to a meaningful thank you note for the next time you want to express your gratitude on paper.

Want even more ideas of ways to increase your happiness? Check out the interactive October calendar from Greater Good. With ideas like “Watch an uplifting TV show” and “Give up trying to be the perfect parent,” there’s sure to be something that you’d find fun. See you soon for tip 7!



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