Nicole Bensen

Coming soon: Digital option for Wellbeing Program Next Level You

Hello and happy fall! I have been HEADS-DOWN creating a digital version of my signature wellbeing program “Next Level You: happier, more resilient, confident, and calm” the past few weeks, and I’m excited to share it with you all soon.

Traditionally I’ve run this program live, where I’m teaching for 2 hours a week for 6 weeks; participants have shared feedback saying the wellbeing tools are “life-changing,” “a gift,” and “Things I’m still using to increase my happiness 6 months after attending the program.” 🎉

I’ve also heard from several of you who WANT this class, but attending a 2-hour live class during the day can be challenging to schedule around work, or even “I’m in Switzerland, so a class that starts at 10:00pm is rough for me.” I’ve got you.

I’m taking the most-impactful parts of this wellbeing course and recording the lessons, so you can watch them and practice around your schedule.

As with the live version, we’ll be talking about happiness myths, how to build resilience, and ways to overcome Imposter Syndrome; you’ll walk out with simple and powerful ways to take control of your emotions, increase happiness, and balance objective thoughts to combat moments of overthinking.

What do YOU most want to get out of a happiness and wellbeing course? I’m creating this for you! Please comment or shoot me an email ( And if you’d like to be the first to know when it’s available (and to get special beta pricing!), please join the waitlist here. Can’t wait to package this up and share with you.

Nicole Bensen, Executive Coach and Wellbeing Facilitator, wellbeing program Next Level You
Nicole Bensen, Executive Coach and Wellbeing Facilitator



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