Nicole Bensen

Are You a Goal-Getter?

Hi friend!

I recently promised you:

Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share resources I’ve created based on frequently-asked questions and common challenges I hear from my clients—typically driven, Type A, Millennials.

This week I’m sharing the Goal Strategy Sheet, designed to help you organize your thoughts into a clear plan to accomplish a (any) goal. (Created for a client who was looking for a new role that better matched her skills and passions at a place that valued her. That’s the example I use below, but this works for any goal.)

If you’re a visual learner, WATCH this ~2-minute video that explains how to use this goal-getter tool:

If you’d prefer to READ the tl;dr instructions for the Goal Sheet, here you go:

  1. Identify your goal.
  2. Brainstorm everything you think you need to do to get to that goal. Really get it all out.
  3. Organize all those bits into “big steps.”
  4. Organize the remaining bits into the “little steps” under the “big step” it supports.
  5. Choose one “little step” to take action on.
  6. Rinse and repeat.
  7. Accomplish your goal.

🎉 Ta-da! You did it! 🎉 

Want to see the example of the Goal Sheet filled out? HERE YOU GO.

I know this makes it seem simple, and that’s the point! When I’m feeling overwhelmed by big goals or things to do (which, to be honest, is more than I’d like it be 😬 ), it helps me to use this process. Getting everything out, then choosing my MVE (Minimum Viable Experiment) to give me that hit of dopamine to keep going, and clear steps on what else needs to be done. Hope this helps you too.

Cheering for you!


P.S. In case you missed last week’s note, I shared this:

If you want…

  • 2-minute exercise to boost your mood, watch this 2-minute spring time video on YouTube.
  • To create a digital vision board (so you can remind yourself who/what/why you’re working for), grab this free Canva template, digital “stickers,” and list of over 100 affirmations to easily create a beautiful vision board.
  • To actually step away from your desk today, do this 5-minute, grounding, mindfulness activity:
  1. Walk outside.
  2. Take a deep breath and stretch.
  3. Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. (Sometimes the “taste” one is a bit tough, so here’s a tip.)

P.P.S. Looking for corporate sessions on team building or mental wellbeing support? Check out my workshops here.



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