Nicole Bensen

May I offer you the caviar and wine pairing?

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you’re currently living the life you’ve dreamt of…whatever that means to you.

What would be different about your day?
What would you prioritize?
How would you spend your time?
Your money?
Your energy? 

Here’s my challenge to you: Choose something you would do in your dream life that you haven’t been giving yourself permission to do now.  

Then do it. 

I’m not saying to blow your life savings on a yacht, but maybe you’d spring for the 90-minute massage instead of 60. 

Or take the day off to read or hike. 

Or say “yes” when the server asks if you’d like the caviar upgrade and wine pairing with your tasting menu. #yesplease

Caviar at Alexander's Steakhouse

Spend one day living the life you think you want.  

Best case: you get to experience the joy you’ve been withholding from yourself. 
Worst case: you figure out that thing or event doesn’t bring you the happiness you thought it would. 
In any case: you’ve caused a ripple in your daily pattern that’ll shed light on how you’ve been thinking about (or delaying) things or experiences that might bring you joy.  

The secret to achieving your dream life is to just start living it.

The secret to achieving your dream life is to just start living it.



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