Nicole Bensen

Taking photos for happiness

Are these flowers blooming near you right now? Google Lens tells me they’re called saucer magnolias or tulip tree flowers.

Every year I look forward to seeing these bloom in my neighborhood in the Bay Area; I’m obsessed with them!

On a walk earlier this month I took photos of different flowers, trees, and plants that caught my eye—including 3 different colors of these saucer magnolias. 😍 (If you know a different name for them, please let me know.) 

Coincidentally, I was listening to an episode of the Science of Happiness Podcast called “Why You Should Snap Pictures of Nature” that was talking about a study that asked people to notice the nature around them, and when something moved them in some way, they should take a photo, then write down a few words on what prompted them to take the photo. People who did this for a couple weeks straight felt happier and more connected with others and their environment. 

Below are a few more photos from my walk around my neighborhood—all taken on my Pixel phone.

P.S. What podcasts do you listen to, and what do you enjoy about them? Bonus: What would you like to hear from a podcast? What topics/guests would you like to hear?



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